Business Strategies

Business Strategies

Until the inception of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, entity selection by businesses was a fairly easy decision.  In most cases, businesses chose a form of pass-through entity, given the high tax rate of thirty-five percent given to C corporations in the past.  With the new

Posted September 17, 2018
Business Strategies

Poor cash flow can affect much more than the financial performance of your business. The non-financial costs of poor cash flow can have just as negative an impact on your business as the financial costs.

Posted January 15, 2018
Business Strategies

So, you have an interest in owning and operating a franchise? Or maybe you know someone, such as a family member, who shares your interest?

Posted July 11, 2017
Business Strategies

On many occasions, I’ve seen entrepreneurs embark on operating a family-owned business and thinking that it’s going to be easy to be successful or that there won’t be any of the problems typically encountered in an non-family scenario.

In many cases, however, these assumptions rarely turn out to be the case.

Posted May 2, 2017
Business Strategies

It’s frequently said that if you don’t plan for the future then you must be planning to fail. Hence, it’s fair to say that a business plan is widely regarded as a very important--essential, even--management tool.

Posted February 6, 2017
Business Strategies

How do you determine how much to sell your service so that you can maximize your business’s profits?

Do you have a pricing strategy?

Do you have, and more importantly do you follow, a systematic approach for assigning a price to the professional services you are in the business of providing?

Posted January 19, 2017
Business Strategies

Do you happen to be one of many who has dreamt about going into business for yourself but couldn’t put your finger on what kind of business to start? Perhaps you have an idea of what kind of business to start but fear has got in the way of taking the plunge.

Posted September 16, 2016
Business Strategies

A necessary step in the initial stages of setting up your new business is to determine which form of business ownership structure to adopt. The ownership structure that may prove to be most appropriate will depend on circumstances such as:

Posted August 25, 2016
Business Strategies

A Not For Profit (NFP) organization operates not for the purpose of generating and distributing profits to the owners, but the purpose of generating and distributing profits--i.e. revenue less normal operating expenses--in furtherance of some public good or one or more social causes.

Posted August 23, 2016
Business Strategies

The term “project management” refers to a more specialized management and control process that is associated with particular activities that fit within the definition of a “project.”

Posted July 27, 2016